
How To Get A Golf Handicap Without Joining A Club


Sheridan Park Golf Club


Please Note: This website and the email ID below belong to a private club and not to the Sheridan Park municipal golf course which is run by the Town of Tonawanda. For information about the Sheridan Park Golf Course including Greens Fees, Tee times, and Contacts please click here .


Club Membership Icon.JPG Club Champions Icon.jpg

Quick Links:

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  • All 2021 Event Results - click here
  • Hole-in-One Club - we had two winners this year - Todd Beringer and Mike Zimmer - for full details click here
  • The Nightmare - 2 Man Scramble - congratulations to the winners
    • Flight "A" -  1ST John Haberman Sr & John Haberman Jr - 66.5, 2ND Jim Abbott & Frank Briandi Jr - 67.5, 3RD - Dave Rechin Sr & Dave Rechin Jr - 69.5;
    • Flight "B" - 1ST Bob Lombard & Dana Harrington – 71, 2ND Wayne Hitt & Ron O'Callaghan – 72, 3RD Jim Gramlich & Jim Murray - 72.5
  • 24th Annual Town of Tonawanda Director's Cup at Brighton - Sheridan 15, Brighton 9- for full individual match results please visit the Tournament Results page - click here
  • Fall Scramble Results - Congratulations to the team of Jeff Spriegel, Bob Lombard, Chris Block, and Scott Lawton on winning the Scramble with a score of 60 (-11).
  • Club Championship - Congratulations to our 2021 Club Champions - Class AA - Brian Engl, Class A - John Lindner, Class B - Tim Dean, Class C - Wayne Hitt. For full final results visit the Club Championship page - click here
  • August Newsletter - click here
  • President's Cup Standings (updated 7/29) -click here
  • Senior Club Championship - final results posted on Tournament Results page -click here
  • July Newsletter - click here
  • Stableford Tournament - final results posted on Tournament Results page -click here
  • Publinks Team Championships - Sheridan Teams sweep! Our Club entered two 6-man teams into both the Class A and Class B Publinks team championships on Saturday at Hyde Park and came away victorious in both. For more information see Tournament Results page - click here
  • Legends 2-Man Scramble - for full final results visit the Tournament Results page by clicking here
  • Hole-in-1 Weekend - congratulations to Mike Zimmer for acing #13 Friday June 4th and to Todd Beringer on acing #8 the very next day. Mike and Todd are now eligible for shares of the Hole-in-1 Club pool. For info on the Hole-in-1 Club - click here
  • New June 27th Modified Stableford Tournament announced - click here
  • Individual President's Club - brackets are up in the Locker Room at the course and there's photos online - click here
  • Local Rules Updated - the Local Rules have been updated and posted here. There's a huge Local Rules graphic above that takes you to them. It's huge so you can find it on your phone while on the course. It's each member's responsibility to know the Local Rules.
  • 2-Man Scramble - information on this new tournament and a link to sign up are now available - please click here
  • Opening Mixer 4-Man Scramble - Congratulations to the winning team of John Haberman Jr, Dave Rechin Sr, Mike Zimmer, and Fairway Frank Buell who shot 63 and won on a match of cards
  • May Newsletter - click here
  • New Sponsors - a huge thank you to these new sponsors - please support their businesses!
    • Mustacio's Pizza -
    • Fatman's Pizza -
    • Buffalo Tap Room -
    • John's Pizza and Subs -
    • La Hacienda Brighton -
  • Updates from April 1st email to members
    • April Newsletter - contains a message from our President Keith Sawyer and an interview with the owner of Mitchell's Tavern - one of our longtime sponsors. We thank Nick for sponsoring our club and encourage members to visit Mitchell's frequently! To view the newsletterclick here
    • New Sponsor - We have another new sponsor this year - Mustachio's Pizza - they will be featured on the website and other places - please visit Mustachio's!
    • Tournament Signups are now open for the first 3 Club Tournaments - for more information - click here
  • March 2021 Newsletter - click here
  • New Course Photos - new high res, high color photos of most holes are now posted on the new Photos tab. We've also included Black & White photos of the course from the 1962 Publinks Tournament Program. To see the photos - click here
  • Membership Letter - for a detailed list of Club events, What's New, and Dues information please download and print the 2021 Membership Letter: click here
  • What's New for '21?
    • New Leadership - Keith Sawyer is our new Club President and Mike Zimmer is our new Club Vice President. Both are past multi-year Presidents and another past multi-year President Jim Duggan has returned to the Board as well. For a full list of who is on the Board click here
    • New Ways to Communicate - we recognize the need to be better at communicating with our Members so in addition to using this website and pushing information out more frequently by email, we will also begin using the following Social Media platforms to communicate with members more frequently:
      • Facebook:
      • Twitter:
      • Instagram:
    • New Focus on Driving New Membership - to help promote membership growth we should all be promoting the Club with our friends, family, and coworkers. You may use the following documents to do that and the Board will be making these more visible around town:
      • Membership Flyer - click here
      • New Member Application - click here
  • Have a Suggestion? - we are ALWAYS open to suggestions - please email the Club at


    • Remembering Henry Bogdan - It is with enormous sadness that we notify our membership that one of the most iconic members of our Club has passed away. Henry Bogdan passed peacefully on November 19, 2020. For more info click here.
    • Score Posting ends 10/31 - last day of score posting in Upstate NY is October 31, 2020.  The GHIN system is now built to disallow score posting at upstate clubs beyond that date. Note that scores from all rounds played in Florida, the Carolinas, California, ect that post scores year round must be posted. When in doubt, try to post it.
    • Nightmare Tournament Results - Class A: 1st - Ryan Reed/Dave Prinzbach - 64; Runners Up: Jim Ticco/Mark Manzella - 67; Class B: 1st - Dave Rechin Sr/Dave Rechin Jr - 62, Runners Up: Joe Abbarno/Norm Nieminen - 64; Class C: 1st - Ray Souter/Mark Begovich - 61, Runners Up: Tony Sweeney/Bob Cieri - 62
    • Interesting Reports - these reports are generated by the GHIN system:
      • Most Rounds Posted YTD - click here
      • Most Improved Golfer YTD - click here
      • Rounds Posted at Sheridan over the last 5 years (this includes all rounds - even those posted by members from other clubs - click here
    • 4-Man Scramble - this year's tournament in memory of Ed "Smitty" Smith - Congratulations to Team Sawyer - Keith Sawyer, John Haberman Sr., John Haberman Jr, Scott Wilson - for winning with a score of 62
    • Lindner's Golf Update - as you may have noticed, Lindner's Golf Shop is now closed but Billy and Johnny will continue to provide many of the services they performed previously. For more information - click here.
    • Town of Tonawanda Director's Cup - Sheridan 17, Brighton 7 - O'Callaghan/Noonan (S) def Baum/Logan (B) 2-1; Wilson/D Notaro (S) def Wzontek/Cassese (B) 3-0; Sweeney/Lombard (S) halved Wawrzyniec/Bellanti (B) 1.5-1.5; Zimmer/Dean (S) def Oliveri/O'Donnell (B) 3-0; Morgante/Goetz (S) def Brick/Danheiser (B) 2.5-0.5; Orlando/Buckfelder (B) def B Lindner/Sawyer 2-1; Manzella/Frey (S) halved Ventura/Bartkowski (B) 1.5-1.5; Haberman/Puglia (S) def Farkas/Fox (B) 2.5-0.5
    • Sheridan/Deerwood Challenge — Sheridan 46, Deerwood 22 - O'Callaghan/G Notaro (S) halved Martin/Velasquez (D) 2-2; Wilson/ Sueter (S) def Edel/Krolczyk 3.5-0.5; D Notaro/Hitt (S) def Offerman/Miranto (D) 3.5-0.5; Gipp/Walos (D) def T Smith/ Gialella (S) 2.5-1.5; Lombard/B Smith (S) halved Dombrowicz/Shanor (D) 2-2; Harrington/Spriegel (S) def Riexinger/ Sutherland (D) 3-1; Zimmer/Nieminen (S) def Serafin/Staddon (D) 3-1; Sweeney/ Block (S) def Krolczyk/Zak (D) 3.5-0.5; B Cohan/Roncone (S) def Fasanella/Brooks (D) 2.5/1.5; Kopec/Boice (S) def Stephens/ Henninger (D) 3-1; B Lindner/Abbarno (S) halved Kern/Sullivan (D) 2-2; Cochran/ McCabe (D) def Reed/McDonald (S) 3-1; Ticco/Morgante (S) def Young/Lipinoga (D) 3-1; D Rechin/Robbins (S) def Hebeler/ Vickerd (D) 3-1; Gast/Frey (S) def Wesley/ Nepokroeff (D) 4-0; Czosek/Lewis (D) def Conwell/Prinzbach (S) 2.5-1.5; Pelligrino/ Gugino (S) def Russell/Kern (D) 4-0.
    • Weekly Tournament Winners for Weeks 3-5

      • Week 3: Cieri, Goetz, Mohan, Mulvey, O'Callaghan, Rechin Sr., Spriegel, Sweeney, Wilson
      • Week 4: Buell, Abbarno, Gugino, B. Lindner, Mary, O'Callaghan, Rechin Sr.,N.Souter, Zimmer
      • Week 5: Buell, Berringer, Dean, Gramlich, Gugino, Law, Nieminen, D. Notaro, G. Notaro

      All winners should contact Mark Dominguez ( to pick from Caputi's Liquior, Currys, Gallery Grill, and Mitchells prizes.

    • 87th Club Championship - congratulations to our 2020 Club Champions - Kris Boyes (Class AA), Bill Lindner (Class A), Mike Zimmer (Class B), and Dave Notaro (Class C). Nice job gentlemen! For a listing of past Club Champions - Click here
      • Class AA - 1st - Kris Boyes (220), 2nd - John Haberman Jr (222), 3rd - Vince Puglia (229)
      • Class A - 1st - Bill Lindner (240), 2nd - John Goetz (242), 3rd - Dave Morgante (244)
      • Class B  - 1st - Mike Zimmer (250), 2nd - Bob Lombard (252), 3rd - Tony Sweeney (255) MOC
      • Class C  - 1st - Dave Notaro (266), 2nd - Larry Noonan (274), 3rd - O'Callaghan (276)
    • From 7/27 email: (not getting emails? send your address to
      • Weekly Tournaments - Congratulations to Week 1 and Week 2 winners:
        • Week 1: Gramlich, Levandowski, J. Lindner, Lombard, Murray, Noonan, Spreigel, N.Souter, & Sutton.
        • Week 2:  Abbarno, Dean, Law, Levandowski, Lombard, Murray, Noonan, G. Notaro, & Roncone.
        • All winners will be contacted via email or phone to select their gift card choice.
      • Summer Rules - starting today (7/27) all Weekly Tournaments will be observing Summer Rules, except in the bunkers were it will be lift, clean, and place due to the Town's removal of rakes.
      • Club Championship - signup will end this Wednesday (click here to sign up) with tee times emailed and posted on website on Thursday morning.  For Sunday, the order starting at 8:00am will be B, AA, C, and A.  In addition to the tee times on Thursday,  the rules for the Club Championship will be sent and the tournament will be a two round cut.
      • Posting Scores - Everyone must post their scores in the GHIN/World Handicap system.  We have several members who have posted no rounds for the year, yet are seen playing every week.  If you do not know how to post your score or do not have access to the app or website, please ask someone you are playing with to post for you or email the club and we will make accomodations.

      • All Tournaments and Events are ON! - Finally, the Club will be having the remainder of the Tournaments and Events scheduled for the season.  We will be updating the Club's online sign-up shortly to have all Events listed.  If any members have paid the 2020 dues and do not want to participate in the Club this year, please notify Mark Dominguez and a credit for your dues minus the fee for the GHIN system will be given for next season.  All members have until August 1st to notify Mark.

    • Handicap Update - handicaps are updated daily now, but for the weekly tournaments we will use the Handicaps as of Monday of that week. Handicap reports are posted on this page and the course handicap tables that show how to convert your index into your course handicap from a specific set of tees are available here: Course Handicap Tables
    • Senior Club Championship - congratulations to the winners of the Senior Club Championship event held July 12th:
      • Overall Gross: Jim Mohan (73), Overall Net: Bob Cieri (65)
      • Super Senior: John LIndner (74)
      • Flight 1 Gross: Joe Gugino (78), Flight 1 Net: Sam Sebastian (75 MOC)
      • Flight 2 Gross: Jim Murray (76), Flight 2 Net: Tim Dean (68)
      • Flight 3 Gross: Mike Zimmer (87), Flight 3 Net: Brian Spencer (71)
      • Flight 4 Gross: Ed Hacherl (91), Flight 4 Net: Jim Mary (69)
      • Scoresheets for Flight 1 - click here, Flight 2 - click here, Flight 3 - click here, Flight 4 - click here
    • Weekly Tournaments start July 13th. The procedure for the Weeklys will be as follows:

      1.  Email ( the morning that you are playing with your name and the names of member(s) you are playing with.  Please also include everyone's handicap who is participating in the Weekly. NOTE: This is a DIFFERENT eMail ID from regular Club ID - please direct weekly tournament information to this ID only.

      2.  After golfing, take a picture or scan the scorecard and email it to the Club.

      3.  The following Wednesday an email and website post will be going out to all Club Members with the winners from each week.

      4.  All winners will be notified after the posting and will be able to choose from a gift card to the Gallery Grille or Lindners.  Additional gift cards to other restaurants will be available soon.

    • Handicaps - recent Handicap Reports - click here
    • Course Handicap Tables - convert an index to handicap for specific set of tees - click here
    • June 9th Update - the Club is still waiting on word from the Town on whether they will be allowed to host tournaments at the course - once we have that decision we can determine how to proceed with our event schedule
    • Handicap Posting - started April 15th, all scores for rounds played in our region must be posted for handicap purposes. However, please note two important changes:
      • 1st - please follow the Covid-19 playing and scoring guidelines posted at this link
      • 2nd - the old Equitable Stroke Control rules for adjusting high scores on individual holes prior to handicap posting have been replaced by a New Double Bogey maximum score. For more information on how this works please click here
    • ** Spring Party Cancelled ** - due to Town of Tonawanda closing facilities including NOCO Pavillon
    • Smitty - we are saddened to report the passing of another long time club icon - Ed "Smitty" Smith. Smitty was a member of our Club for 60 years! To see his obituary on click here and for a few action photos click here and click here
    • Welcome to the 2020 Sheridan Park Golf Club season - for event dates and other information - click here
    • New Handicap System - the World Handicap System had replaced the GHIN system.
      • First time you login to the GHIN app you'll need your GHIN number - you can find your GHIN number by clicking here
      • For more information on the World Handicap System click here
    • Most Improved Golfer - report from GHIN system - click here
    • 8th Annual Sheridan/Deerwood Challenge -  Sept 21st @ Deerwood  - Final Score: Sheridan 29.5 – Deerwood 26.5 (Sheridan has now won 6 of 8 years)
      • Dominguez Sr./Zimmer (S) halved Bucci/King (D) 2-2
      • Ricketts/Noonan (S) halved Walos/Martin (D) 2-2
      • Rechin Jr./Abbarno (S) def. B. Kern/J.Kern (D) 4-0
      • S.Wilson/R.Souter (S) halved Edel/Stephens (D) 2-2
      • Lombard/Spriegel (S) halved O'Connell/Sullivan (D) 2-2
      • Vanhorn/Brooks (D) def. Roncone/Spencer (S) 2.5-1.5
      • T.Osborn/Partsch (S) halved Tim Lewis/Ty Lewis (D) 2-2
      • Rosart/Riexinger (D) def. Sweeney/B.Trimper Sr. (S) 2.5-1.5
      • Gregori/Lipinga (D) def. Harrington/McDonald (S) 2.5-1.5
      • Boice/B.Trimper Jr. (S) def. Valaquez/Sanderson (D) 3-1
      • Czosek/Wesley (D) def. Haberman Jr./Prinzbach (S) 3.5-.5
      • Dean/Nieminen (S) halved Henninger/Sutherland (D) 2-2
      • Pelligrino/Morgante(S) def. Yanacek/Nepkroeff (D) 3.5-.5
      • R.Reed/Caron (S) halved Vickerd/Hebler (D) 2-2
    • Town of Tonawanda Directors' Cup - Sept 7 at Brighton - Sheridan 20.5, Brighton 11.5
      • Trimper Jr/Niemien (S) def Juraska/Prentiss (B) 4-0
      • Zimmer/Dominguez (S) def O'Donnell/Coppola (B) 4-0
      • Kreiger/Wawryzniec (B) def Powers/Harrington (S) 2.5/1.5
      • Danheiser/Oliveri (B) def Roncone/Lombard (S) 2.5/1.5
      • Abbarno/Morgante (S) def Farkas/Hamilton (B) 4-0
      • Spindler/Bartkowski (B) def Prinzbach/Reed (S) 3-1
      • Gast/Puglia (S) def Corrigan/Schrembs (B) 3-1
      • Dill/Giliforte (B) def Haberman/Engl (S) 2.5-1.5
        • "A" Class Haberman Jr./Abbarno 68
        • "B" Class Lombard/Roncone 72
    • Memorial 4-Man Scramble - Congratulations to the team of Jeff Spriegel, Scott Lawton, Chris Block, and David Powers on winning this event with a score of 61!
    • George Kubala - we're extremely saddened to report that we've lost one of the most iconic figures of our club as George Kubala has passed away. Those of us who knew George will forever remember him and our Club will never be the same without him. For details on Visitation and Funeral click here and to see a couple of photos click here.
    • 86th Club Championship - Congratulations to our 2019 Club Champions - John Haberman Jr in Class AA, Dave Prinzbach in Class A, Bob Lombard in Class B and Mike Zimmer in Class C.
      • AA Class - 1st - John Haberman Jr (223); 2nd - Glen Gast (224); 3rd - Vince Puglia (225);
      • A Class - 1st - Dave Prinzbach (235); 2nd - Tom Osborn (238), 3rd - Dave Morgante (249);
      • B Class - 1st - Bob Lombard (243), 2nd - Dana Harrington (245), 3rd - Joe Roncone Jr (245);
      • C Class - 1st - Mike Zimmer (263), 2nd - Norm Nieminen (265), 3rd - Bob Trimper Jr (267)
    • Invitational Results
      • Overall: Kevin Kopec Sr/Kevin Kopec Jr (210)
      • Flight 1 - 1st: Bill Lindner/Corey Lindner (210), 2nd: Jim Henesey/Jon Benson (212), 3rd: Dave Rechin Jr/Cory Ceck (213 - MOC);
      • Flight 2 - 1st: Bob Lombard/Paul Stefanick (217), 2nd: Bob Cieri/Ron Pelligrino (223 - MOC), 3rd:Dennis Dillon/Tom Trautman (223)

    • Senior Club Championship Results - Congratulations to Bill Lindner on winning the overall Senior Club Championship and to all of the other winners:
      • Overall Gross - Bill Lindner (75) (playoff);
      • Overall Net - John Haberman Sr (66);
      • Super Senior - John Lindner (75);
      • Flight 1 - Gross - Ron Pellegrino (76), Net - Keith Sawyer (69);
      • Flight 2 - Gross - Larry Oliveri (82), Net - Jim Duggan (69);
      • Flight 3 - Gross - Norm Nieminen (86), Net - Jeff Spriegel (69);
      • Flight 4 - Gross - Mark Dominguez Sr (89), Net - Larry Noonan (71)
    • Local Rules Updated and Reposted - the Club's Local Rules have been updated to include explicit relief from 150 yard posts and new Ground Under Repair areas because of the tree work. The Club has also adopted the USGA's new Local Rule that provides an alternative to Stroke and Distance penalties on Lost and Out-of-Bounds balls. See details in the PDFs on the Rules page as well as posted on the first bulletin boards you see in the Locker Room.
    • Posting Scores - early season golf is often complicated by wet, muddy conditions. Our Club typically allows preferred lies in your own fairway (only) early in the season and scores from rounds played under these conditions must still to be posted for handicap purposes. When conditions are so poor that "lift, clean, and place everywhere" rules are used - those scores should NOT be posted.
    • Letter to Members - to view the 2019 Letter to Members which includes list of events please click here
    • Electronic Signup for Tournaments- you can now sign up for Club Tournaments electonically - please click here
    • USGA's 2019 Rule Changes - as you've likely heard, there's many changes to the official USGA rules - most of which are designed to speed play and make the rules simpler. To view a good video summary of the new rules on the USGA's website click here and if you have a smartphone there's an awesome USGA Rules app available in the iOS and Android app stores.














    • 85th Club Championship - Final ResultsClass AA Champion: Glen Gast (225), 2nd: Mike Kessler (226), 3rd: Jim Mohan (231-MOC); Class A Champion: Dave Morgante (237), 2nd: Tom Osborn (239), 3rd: Dave Spindler (240-MOC); Class B Champion: Larry Oliveri (245), 2nd: Jeff Spriegel (251), 3rd: Jim Murray (253); Class C Champion: Gerry Ricketts (255), 2nd: Dave Notaro (263); 3rd: Frank Sava (267)
    • Sheridan Members Win Publinks Tournaments- Congratulations to Dana Harrington on winning the Publinks Class B Individual Championship on July 13th and 14th at Sheridan and Bob Buscaglia on winning the Publinks Class C Individual Championship on July 15th at Grover.
    • Senior Club Championship - Overall - Gross - Jim Mohan -71, Net - Dana Harrington - 67 (Playoff); Super Senior - Jim Mohan - 71; Flight 1 - Gross - Steve Stone 75, Net - Jim Henesey - 70 (MOC); Flight 2 - Gross - Paul Galbraith -79, Net - Tim Knott - 67; Flight 3 - Gross - Bruce McDonald - 85 (MOC), Net - Bob Lombard - 69 (MOC); Flight 4 - Gross - Greg Lund - 90, Net - Jim Inzinna - 71

    • Spring Mixer 4-Man Scramble — Overall champions: Keith Sawyer/Tim Dean/Larry Noonan/ Jerry Reo 58; runners-up: Jeff Cohan/Jon Benson/Ray Souter/Jim Tamsen 59 (MOC)
    • 2018 Membership Letter - click here
    • New Members - in order to attract new members, the Board has voted to eliminate the one-time membership application fee so all members (including new members) now pay $120 per year. We encourage members to get friends and family members to join the Club, for the application form -click here


    • Rounds Posted - who's playing the most? - to find out ... click here
    • Club vs Club Tournaments - Sheridan defeated Brighton in the 2017 Town of Tonawanda Director's Cup played at Sheridan but lost to Deerwood in the Annual Sheridan-Deerwood Challenge at Deerwood.
    • Memorial 4-Man Scramble - congratulations to the team of Dana Harrington, Joe Abbarno, Kevin Mulvey, and Bob Trimper Sr on winning the Scramble with a team score of 59.
    • 84th Club Championship - Final Results -Class AA - Winner -Glen Gast 221, Runner Up - Dean Mohan 223; Class A - Winner - Joe Abbarno 238, Runner Up - Dave Morgante 240; Class B - Winner - Joe Roncone Jr 251 (Playoff), Runner Up - Tony Sweeney 251; Class C - Winner - Chris Curtin 274, Runner Up - Mike Zimmer 278 (MOC)
    • Publinks Update - Congratulations to John Haberman Jr on winning the Publinks Class A Championship at Sheridan on July 14th and 15th. Congratulations also to Brian Spencer on winning the Class B Championship in that same event. This continues Sheridan's dominance of the Publinks tournaments with a Sheridan member winning every event held so far this year. For more information visit the Publinks site at:
    • Invitational/Member-Member Results - click here
    • Senior Club Championship Results - click here
    • Spring Scramble Results - Winners - Dennis Buckley, Joe Gugino Sr, Joe Roncone, and Scott Wilson - 60; Runner-Up - Tom Dubie, Jim Inman, BJ Nienhaus, and Chris Reo - 61
    • 2-Man President's Cup - Teetimes for Saturday May 13th kickoff - click here
    • Course is Open and Handicap Posting has Begun!
    • Letter to Members - this letter contains 2017 event schedule and dues - click here
    • Full Year Final Results and Highlights - click here
    • Sheridan Deerwood Challenge teetimes - click here
    • Board Elections - now thru September 27th - ballots in Locker room and at Lindner's
    • Memorial Scramble - Teetimes for Sunday Sept 11 - click here
    • 83rd Club Championship - Congratulations to the Winners -
      • AA Flight - Winner: Kris Boyes (140), Runner up: Mike Knott (145);
      • A Flight - Winner: BJ Nienhaus (152), Runner Up: Don Osborn (157);
      • B Flight - Winner: Joe Abbarno (161), Runner Up: John Staerker (165);
      • C Flight - Winner: Scott Wilson (181) (Won Playoff), Runner Up:Jerry Reo (181)
    • New Local Rules posted in Locker Room and online - click here
    • June 26th Senior Club Championship Final Results:
      • FLIGHT 1 (Hdcp 0-7) GROSS - STEVE STONE - 78, NET - BILL LINDNER - 73;
      • FLIGHT 2 (Hdcp 8 - 11) GROSS - JIM HENESEY - 80, NET - DANA HARRINGTON - 69;
      • FLIGHT 3 (Hdcp 12 - 13) GROSS - BRIAN SPENCER - 81, NET - PETER HENESEY - 69;
      • FLIGHT 4 (Hdcp 14 - 16) GROSS - JEFF SPRIEGEL - 82, NET - JIM MARY - 68;
      • FLIGHT 5 (Hdcp 17 - 20) GROSS CHAMPION - BILL OSBORNE - 87, NET - ED HACHERL - 70;
      • FLIGHT 6 (Hdcp 21+) GROSS - GAETANO CANDINO - 88, NET - GARY NOTARO - 72
    • May 22nd Shamble - congratulations to the team of Tom Osborn, Glenn Eberhardt, Kevin Kopec, and Buzz Buscaglia on winning with a score of 114
    • May 14th 2-Man President's Cup Kickoff Teetimes - click here
    • 2016 Letter to Members - click here
    • Handicap Posting -starts Friday April 15th - full Handicap revision schedule - click here
    • New USGA Rules for 2016
      • Anchored Putting in now prohibited -click here
      • Rounds Played Alone no longer count for Handicap purposes - do NOT post scores for rounds played alone- click here
    • Forward Tees reminder - click here


    • 2015 Club Highlights - click here
    • President's CupResults
      • Individual - congratulations to Brian Engl (Class AA), Dana Harrington (Class A), Ryan Reed (Class B) and Tom Candino (Class C) on winning their flights and to Ryan Reed for winning the playoff of flight winners to win the overall Tournament.
      • 2-Man - congratulations to the team of Joe "Ballz" Abbarno and Dana Harrington on winning the 2-man tournament.
    • Fall Scramble - Congratulations to the team of Bruce McDonald, Bill Samson, Norv Souter and Ray Souter on winning the Memorial Scramble with a score of 60. This year's event was in memory of Jim Lipps and Charlie Card.
    • Sheridan-Deerwood Challenge - Congratulations to the Sheridan team of Glen Gast, Dan Misko, Jeff Frey, Brian Engl, Dave Morgante, Don Osborn, Joe Abbarno, Kevin Mulvey, David Byrwa, Jonathan Byrwa, Bill Samson, Bruce McDonald, Tim Dean, Jeff Spriegel, Ryan Reed, Jere Reed, Dana Harrington, Brian Spencer, Jim Lyons, Bob Trimper, Tom Osborn, Jim Ticco, Gerry Ricketts, Mark Dominguez, Norm Nieminen, Jim Mary, Doug Mack and Frank Sava on defeating the Deerwood team 30.5 to 25.5 at Deerwood. This marks the 3rd time Sheridan has won in the 4 years this annual event has been held and the first time either team has won on the other team's course.
    • Director's Cup - congratulations to the Sheridan team of Scott Wilson, Dennis Buckley, Jerry Reo, Bob Lombard, Joe Roncone, Tim Dean, Sam Crisante, Dave Spindler, Tom Osborn, Chuck Partsch, Jonathan Byrwa, David Byrwa, Jon Benson, Brian Engl, Vince Puglia, and Mike Knott on defeating the Brighton team 17 to 15 at Brighton. For individual match results click here.
    • Club Championship - congratulations to Mike Knott (Class AA), David Byrwa (Class A), Sam Cristante (Class B), and Bob Lombard (Class C) on winning their flights in the Club Championship. For full results click here
    • Invitational/Member-Member results - Overall - Bill Lindner & Mark McIntosh; McIlroy Flight - Al Walker & Todd Beringer; Spieth Flight - Jeff Spriegel & Bob Trimper; Watson Flight - Buzz Buscaglia & Jim Inzinna; Johnson Flight - Bob Cieri & Ron Pelligrino. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated and volunteered to help out.
    • Senior Club Championship results - Overall Gross - Steve Stone, Overall Net - Joe Roncone Jr, Super Senior - Jon Benson, Flight 1 - Steve Stone, Flight 2 - Joe Abbarno, Flight 3 - Joe Roncone Jr, Flight 4 - Jim Gramlich, Flight 5 - Frank Sava, Flight 6 - Ron Henri. Congratulations to all the winners.
    • 2-Man Presidents Cup Kickoff- teetimes for Saturday - click here

    • Spring Scramble - Congratulations to the team of Travis Hardman, Tony Sweeney, Glenn Eberhardt, and John Reynolds on winning Sunday's 4-man Scramble.

    • Hole-in-1 -congratulations to Dave Frank on his Hole-in-1 on Sunday during the scramble and Mark Engl on his Hole-in-1 the day before. I'm told that neither had paid the $10 to get into the Club's Hole-in-1 Club.

    • 2015 Membership Letter - click here
    • Correction - the Membership letter that was mailed out had an incorrect date for the Spring Scramble - the correct date is Sunday May 3rd.
    • NEW! Our Club now has a Twitter Account - this will provide the quickest way for the Club to communicate news and for members to participate in and create conversations about the club - the id is @SheridanGolf or you can search for it by using the Club's email id -


    • 2014 Final Tournament Results - click here
    • President's Cup - Congratulations to Norm Nieminen for winning the overall Individual President's Cup Tournament. Jeff Frey won the AA Class, Tim Dean won the A Class, Norm Nieminen won the B Class, and Mike Giallela won the C Class/
    • 2 Man President's Cup - Congratulations to Jim Clauss and Glenn Eberhardt on winning this season-long tournament
    • Handicap Posting ended October 31st
    • Sheridan/Deerwood Challenge - Congratulations to the team from Sheridan in defeating a team from Deerwood on Saturday Sept 27th at Sheridan. For details and photo - click here
    • Director's Cup - Congratulations to the team from Sheridan in defeating the team from Brighton in the 2014 Town of Tonawanda Director's Cup match played Saturday Sept 20th at Sheridan.
    • Fall "Memorial" Scramble (Remembering Neil Downey and Paul Carr) - Congratulations to the team of Don Osborn Jr, Tom Osborn, Jim Ticco, and Bill Hartnett on winning with a team score of 60.
    • 80th Club Championship - Congratulations to Jon Benson, Kevin Kush, Bob Trimper, and Bill Osborne on winning their flights in the Club Championship - click here
    • Invitational - Congratulation to the team of Tom Candino and Kevin Kopec on winning the Invitational with a score of 118. Other flight winners: Snead Flight - Dave Morgante & Mark Kantowski - 124; Woods Flight - Dave Rechin Jr & Rich Cech; Nicklaus Flight - Joe Gugino Sr & Joe Gugino Jr - 126; Hogan Flight - Frank Briandi & Mike Digati - 130 (MOC).
    • Invitational/Member-Member - information and registration form - click here
    • Senior Club Championship Teetimes - click here
    • Handicap Posting starts April 15th - post your scores online using this link: Posting Online
    • Membership Incentive - club members who recruit new members will receive a $20 discount on their 2015 Membership dues. Download and print the New Member Application (click here) and make sure the new member puts your name on the form as their 'sponsor'.
    • 2014 Membership Letter - here's the Membership Letter with information on 2014 event dates and request to mail your membership dues. Click here


    • Sadly, we lost four members of our club over the last year - Neil Downey, Paul Carr, Dan Mergenhagen, and Ron Hodak. Our condolences to their families.
    • Memorial 4-Man Scramble - remembering Vince Muranyi and Jim Murtaugh - team of Don Osborn Jr, Tom Obsorn, Bill Hartnett and George Kubala - 59 MOC
    • Club Championship - Congratulations to Joe Gugino Sr, Chris Robey, Bob Trimper, and Jim Mary on winning their respective flights - for more information click here.
    • Too funny - anybody recognize this guy? - click here
    • WNYPLGA - Congratulations to Tim Dean on winning the WNYPLGA's Class B Individual Championship on July 21st at Sheridan - click here
    • Member-Member/Invitational - Congratulations to the team of Joe Gugino Sr and Joe Gugino Jr on winning the overall event with an amazing score of 120 (7 strokes lower than last year's winners)! For full results - Click here
    • Cool Photos from Sheridan - take a look at these photos taken by Mike Zimmer - click here
    • Senior Club Championship Final Results - Click here
    • May 5th Scramble - congratulations to the team of Joe Gugino,Frank Tedesco,Joe Jack, and Tom Mohan for winning with a score of 63.
    • Handicap Posting started April 15th - all rounds played at any course  must be posted for handicap purposes. You can post scores on or if you have an iPhone you can now post via a GHIN app available in the Apple app store. As soon as Sheridan opens you can post any round played anywhere in the clubhouse. Here's the link to find your GHIN number: Posting Online
    • 2013 Membership Letter - time to start getting ready for the 2013 golf season. You should have received the letter in the Mail but if not, you can get it here. Dues are due April 15th - to download the letter click here
    • Have an iPhone or Blackberry? - download the USGA Rules of Golf app for your smartphone. Click here.
    • Member Services Directory - new directory of Club Members who can provide goods or services to other club members. Click here to access the directory
    • Membership applications are available by clicking here. You can also pickup applications at Lindner's Golf across from the course on Sheridan Drive.
    • Please read these Important Handicap Reminders.
    • Torrey Pines - recollections and photos from one of our member's recent trip to Torrey Pines - click here


    • 2012 Final Tournament Results - for a summary of all tournament results click here
    • President's Cup - Congratulations to Vince Puglia Jr on winning the individual President's Cup tournament. Vince defeated Norm Nieminen in a close match to win this tournament for the second consecutive year.
    • 1st Annual Sheridan-Deerwood Challenge – The Sheridan Park Golf Club narrowly defeated the Deerwood Golf Club 16½ to 15½ on Sunday October 7th at Sheridan. Vince Puglia Jr and Dan Misko swept the final four points to give Sheridan a stunning, come from behind victory. For more details click here.
    • 16th Town of Tonawanda Directors Cup (at Brighton) - The Sheridan Park Golf Club won it 10th Consecutive Town of Tonawanda Director's Cup by a final score of 11.5 to 6.5 over the Brighton Park Golf Club. Brighton roared out to an early 4.5 to 1.5 lead in the Class C matches, but Sheridan won three of the four Class A and Class B matches and then swept the Class AA matches to win. For individual Match results - click here

    • Memorial Scramble (this year in honor of Carl Lomanto Sr and Elmer Nobilo) - congratulations to the team of Dennis Buckley, Jeff Feather, Vince Puglia Jr, and Dave Spindler winning with a score of 58.
    • Club Championship - Congratulations to Mike Knott, Joe Gugino Sr, Joe Venezia, and Jim Inzinna on winning their respective flights in the 79th Club Championship. Details and a photo - click here.
    • WNYPLGA - Congratulations to Sheridan Club Member Jim Mohan on winning the WNYPLGA's Senior Championship at Glen Oak on July 31st with a 73. Also congratulations to Jay Robbins on winning his flight in the same event. For full final results, click here.
    • WNYPLGA - Congratulations to Sheridan Club Members Colin Burns and Norm Nieminen on winning the WNY Public Links Golf Association's Class A and Class B championships. For full final results, click here
    • Invitational/Member-Member Tournament - Congratulations to the team of Pat Conner and Ted Conner on winning the Invitational in a playoff with a score of 127 - for full results - click here
    • Senior Club Championship - Congratulations to Jon Benson on winning Overall Low Gross and Dave Notaro on winning Overall Low Net - for full results - click here
    • WNYPLGA Team Championships - Sheridan wins both Class A and Class B Team Championships at Hyde Park - click here
    • WNYPLGA Senior Championship - Congratulations to Tim Reilly and Tom Wilson on winning the Publinks'Senior Better Ball Championship on June 8, 2012 at Dande Farms with a score of 70.
    • Spring Mixer 4-Man Scramble - Congratulations to the team of Don Osborn Jr, Steven Cohan, and new members Matt Thomas and Jonathan Bellomo on winning with a score of 61 (two lower than last year's winning score of 63).
    • New members - Our club is accepting New Members. You can get a New Member Application on the website (click here) or at Lindner's or in the Locker Room. Talk to your golfing buddies about joining the Club
    • 2012 Letter to Members - click here


    • Final 2011 Tournament Results - click here
    • Director's Cup - results from Saturday October 8th - click here
    • 4-Man 'Memorial' Scramble - Congratulations to the team of Hank Bogdan, Glen Gast, Jeff Frey and Steve Jensen on winning on a match of cards with a 62.
    • 2-Man President's Cup - Congratulations to Mike Zimmer and Jim Schreckenberger on winning the 2-Man President's Cup tournament with an extremely close final match win over Tim Dean and Dana Harrington 1 Up on Sunday August 28th - for full results click here.
    • Club Championship - Congratulations to our 2011 Club Champions in Class AA - Kris Boyes, in Class A - Tim Urban, in Class B - Mike Zimmer, in Class C - Dave Rechin, and in the new C Handicap Class - Pat Conner ..... for full results - click here
    • WNYPLGA Senior Championship - Congratulations to Joe Gugino Sr on winning the overall WNYPLGA Senior Championship and Charlie Card for winning the 'Super Senior' Flight on August 1st at Bridgewater CC - click here for results
    • Sheridan Wins WNYPLGA's B Team Championship - click here
    • New Sponsor - Butler's Sheridan Plaza Liqours - Please welcome new Club Member Mark Butler who owns Butler Liquors on Sheridan and Delaware. Mark has a special offer for Club Members - click here
    • Invitational/Member-Member - Congratulations to the team of Tim Urban and Jeff Spriegel on winning the 2011 tournament. For full results - click here
    • Senior Club Championship Results - Overall - Scratch Bob Grad 73, Net
      Glenn Eberhardt 65; Flight 1 - Scratch John Scive 74, Net Jay Robbins 70; Flight 2 - Scratch Dave Spindler 80, Net Paul Gilbraith 73; Flight 3 - Scratch Joe Roncone Jr 82, Net Bruce McDonald -- 71; Flight 4 - Scratch Jim Lyons 86 , Net Joe Zarcone 72; Flight 5 - Scratch Mark Johnson 86, Net James Ganger 73; Flight 6 Scratch Kevin Conway 96, Net Paul Povinelli 75
    • May 22nd 4-Man Scramble Results - Congratulations to the team of John Scive, Joe Roncone Jr, Frank Tedesco, and Tom Mohan on winning the scramble with a score of 63 on a match of cards.
    • News from Previous Years - Click here

    • Best public golf course in Buffalo
    • Best municipal golf course in Western NY

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    How To Get A Golf Handicap Without Joining A Club


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